
marți, 7 august 2012

How to make recycled rosettes

I have got so much fabric stashed away in my little studio. Want to know the best thing about it? I hardly paid for any of it! It's amazing how much fabric you can find for free.

If you let people know that you can reuse fabrics then they'll inundate you with bag after bag of fabrics and clothes and old curtains. Particularly ask people when they're moving house if they have any fabrics they want to get rid of - You'll receive a lot of car loads of cool fabrics.

You have a warehouse of fabrics, now what? This is the moment when you'll become an artist, many times against will without knowing that you can do amazing things  with a little patience and enthusiasm.
Here is a nice tutorial about how to make rosettes from recycled T-shirts.
You need:
1) An old T-shirt
2) Hot glue gun
3) Felt
4) Embellishment( beads, brad or pearls)
5) Alligator clip.
Nothing complicated and you'll have a lot of fun learning something useful. Enjoy the video and tell me how many rosettes you made! :-)

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